Kay H. Lin
林 桂 香
“ Endless”
Recent Paintings
May 14 - June 13, 2009
Opening Reception: Thursday, May 14, 2009,
6:00 – 8:00 pm
New York (April 30, 2009) – Robert Steele Gallery is proud to
present new paintings and drawings by artist Kay H. Lin from May 14
through June 13, 2009. Ms. Lin
graduated with a BFA from the National Institute of the Arts in Taiwan
with a major in Painting and minor in Printmaking. She also earned a Masters degree from
New York University with a major in
Painting and minor in Multimedia.
For the past 20 years, Ms. Lin has lived and worked in New York. Her technically rich and spiritually
engaging works take their place as a unique voice that crosses
boundaries to unite Western and Eastern influences. Her works have been collected in
Asia, Europe and in the U.S.
In this exhibition, Ms. Lin
presents ten large acrylic and oil paintings entitled
"Endless" capturing the sequence of the four seasons, year
after year, as with life. The
paintings are on canvas scrolls and were created together with original
Chinese poems written in calligraphy.
Both bold and original, these scrolls extend up to 15 feet
either vertically or horizontally with a dramatic expanse of gesture
and movement. Together with the
poems, these works immerse the viewer into the dreams of the seasons.
Ms. Lin’s paintings capture an ongoing dialogue between
the Eastern aesthetic sensibilities of her classical training and
modern Western abstraction.
Thematically, Ms. Lin’s paintings are at the interface of
thought and emotion, examining logic, creation, life and
inspiration. A distinctive
visual language demonstrates an adept touch with color and a fully
developed command of materials.
Ms. Lin's poetry re-interprets the feeling and philosophy of
real life with musical rhythm and melody, as do her artworks.
For more information
please contact Robert Steele at info@robertsteelegallery.com or (212)